Ikigai Book Review

Hello, dear readers, in this Ikigai Book Review! We are going on a fascinating journey to unravel the profound concept of “Ikigai.” Are you searching for the key to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life? then you are on the right page. This philosophy has captivated hearts and minds around the world with its simple yet profound wisdom. In this ikigai book review, we’ll delve into the essence of Ikigai. So, let’s begin our journey to uncover the secrets of a truly meaningful life!

Table of Contents


“Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” is co-authored by Hector García and Francesc Miralles. Hector Garcia is a Spanish author and freelance writer, and Francesc Miralles is a Spanish author, essayist, and translator.

Publication Date: The book was first published in 2016.

What is Ikigai?

 The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” is a book that offers readers insights into the art of living a fulfilling life. By exploring the principles of Ikigai and incorporating them into their own lives, readers can discover a path to greater purpose, happiness.

  • Finding Purpose:

Finding purpose means discovering the reason or meaning behind what you do in life.  Ikigai is about discovering your purpose in life.  It’s like uncovering the special thing that makes you feel excited, motivated, and fulfilled.

In the same way, when you discover what makes you truly happy and how you can contribute positively to the world around you, you’re finding your purpose. It’s like uncovering a hidden treasure within yourself that guides your choices and actions, making your life more meaningful and fulfilling.

  • Four Elements:

Ikigai (pronounced “ee-kee-guy”) represents the intersection of four essential elements:

What We Love (Passion)

What We’re Good At(Profession)

What the World Needs(Mission)

What We Can Be Paid For (Vocation)



What We Love (Passion) 🙂

  • Imagine doing something that makes your heart sing. This is your passion, the source of your joy and excitement. It could be painting, playing music, or helping others in need.

What We're Good At (Profession)

  • This piece represents your talents, skills, and strengths. It’s about recognizing what you excel at and what you can do better than most people. It’s where we excel, where our expertise shines. Think about your job or any activity you’re skilled at. Your profession is a vital part of your Ikigai.

What the World Needs (Mission)

  • Ikigai isn’t just about personal satisfaction; it’s about making a positive impact on the world. Our mission revolves around contributing to something greater than ourselves – whether it’s volunteering, teaching, or creating something beneficial for society.

What We Can Be Paid For (Vocation)

  • Practicality also plays a role. Your vocation is what allows you to earn a living, providing financial stability. It’s the bridge connecting your passion, profession, and mission to the economic aspect of life. 

  • In this ikigai book review, Let’s understand all these elements with an example.  Imagine Maya is a young entrepreneur who loves coffee, and she is skilled at baking, and she is good at connecting with people. She decides to open a coffee shop that serves delicious pastries and coffee. But Maya goes beyond just selling coffee; she creates a warm and welcoming space where people gather to chat, read, and even hold community events.

  • What is Maya’s Love? Maya’s passion is coffee and baking. 

    What is Maya good at?  Maya’s baking skills and her ability to create a cozy atmosphere. 

    What the World Needs?  Maya’s coffee shop becomes a place where people come together, fostering a sense of community in a fast-paced world.

    what can be paid for Maya? As Maya’s coffee shop gains popularity, she earns a living doing what she loves and providing a space that fulfills the needs of her customers.

By understanding and combining these four elements, just like Maya did with her coffee shop, you can find your own unique Ikigai. It’s like piecing together a puzzle that creates a balanced and purposeful life, where your passions, skills, contributions, and practical needs all come together harmoniously. In Rich Dad Poor Dad, you will understand the Entrepreneurial Mindset better. To know more click here.

The Benefits of "Ikigai"

  • Joyful Living: Embracing Ikigai adds a profound sense of joy and satisfaction to your daily life. It gives you a reason to wake up with enthusiasm each day.In the book “Ikigai,” the author emphasizes the concept of joyful living and help readers to understand and embrace it. Joyful living refers to finding fulfilment, purpose, and happiness in our everyday lives. The author suggests that joyful living is not solely dependent on external factors such as wealth or success, but rather on how we choose to perceive and engage with life. Overall, the concept of joyful living in the book “Ikigai” serves as a reminder to live with intention, embrace the present, and cultivate a deep sense of fulfilment and happiness in our everyday experiences. It encourages readers to prioritize their well-being, relationships, and pursuits that bring them joy, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and enjoyable life.
  • Reduced Stress: By aligning your actions with your passions, you naturally reduce stress and anxiety, leading to better mental and emotional well-being.

    In the book “Ikigai,” the author emphasizes the importance of reducing stress in our lives for our overall well-being and happiness. The author suggests that stress can have negative impacts on our physical and mental health, and therefore, it is crucial to find ways to minimize its presence.

    The book highlights various strategies and practices to help readers achieve a state of reduced stress. One of the key approaches suggested is adopting a mindful mindset. Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of the current moment, without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more attuned to our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, enabling us to better understand and manage stress triggers.

    Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Whether it’s pursuing a hobby, spending time in nature, or connecting with loved ones, these pleasurable experiences can help combat stress and promote overall well-being.

    In summary, the book “Ikigai” promotes reduced stress as essential for a happier and healthier life. By adopting mindfulness, seeking balance, engaging in enjoyable activities, and aligning with one’s purpose, readers can effectively minimize stress and create a more tranquil and fulfilling existence.

  • Longevity:

    In the book “Ikigai,” the authors emphasize that living a life with purpose, or finding your Ikigai, is linked to living a longer and healthier life.

    Imagine two places in Japan: one where people wake up every day with enthusiasm, feeling fulfilled by their work and activities (they have discovered their Ikigai), and another where people go about their routines with less excitement and a sense of monotony.

In the first place, Ikigai is deeply ingrained in the culture:

  • People are Engaged: They have found their passions and meaningful pursuits, which keep them engaged and eager to embrace each day.
  • Less Stress: Since they are doing what they love and find purposeful, they tend to experience less stress and anxiety.
  • Healthier Choices: Their lifestyles often include healthier habits, such as staying active and eating well, as they want to enjoy their passions for as long as possible.

Now, in the second place, where Ikigai is less prevalent:

  • Lack of Enthusiasm:  Many people might go through the motions without a strong sense of purpose, which can lead to a less joyful and fulfilling life.


    Stress and Health Concerns:  Stress and a lack of fulfillment can contribute to health issues, which may result in shorter lifespans.

One of the examples mentioned in the book is Okinawa, Japan. In Okinawa, many people have a strong sense of Longevity. They engage in activities they love, maintain social connections, and find purpose in their daily lives. This has led to Okinawa having one of the highest life expectancies in the world. People there often live well into their 90s and beyond, leading active and fulfilling lives.

In short, The connection between Ikigai and longevity suggests that when people find purpose and joy in what they do, they tend to lead longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. It’s a reminder of the powerful impact that a sense of purpose can have on our overall well-being and how it can contribute to a longer and happier life.

One of the examples mentioned in the book is Okinawa, Japan. In Okinawa, many people have a strong sense of Longevity. They engage in activities they love, maintain social connections, and find purpose in their daily lives. This has led to Okinawa having one of the highest life expectancies in the world. People there often live well into their 90s and beyond, leading active and fulfilling lives.

In short, The connection between Ikigai and longevity suggests that when people find purpose and joy in what they do, they tend to lead longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. It’s a reminder of the powerful impact that a sense of purpose can have on our overall well-being and how it can contribute to a longer and happier life.

The Intersection of Ikigai

Now, let’s visualize these four elements as circles in a Venn diagram. Your Ikigai resides at the intersection, where all these circles overlap. Here’s how they interact:

When Passion and Profession overlap, we find a career that we love and excel in. This leads to satisfaction and excellence in our work.

The overlap of Passion and Mission represents activities that bring joy while contributing to a greater cause. It’s where we discover our purpose.

The intersection of Mission and Vocation is about work that not only sustains us financially but also serves a greater good, making a positive impact on the world.

 Finally, when Profession and Vocation align, we have a job that provides financial security.

How to Explore Your Ikigai?

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your passions, skills, and what truly makes you happy. Consider what activities bring a smile to your face. to understand more deeply click here…
  2. Identify Strengths: Recognize your strengths and talents. These are the qualities that make you stand out and can potentially become part of your Ikigai.
  3. Seek Alignment: “Find how the things you love to do and the things you’re good at can help make the world better. find out How can your special skills make people’s lives happier?”
  4. Achieving Financial Stability :- Lastly, the fourth element, Vocation, is about ensuring financial stability. Here’s how you can strike a balance:

Table of Contents

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